Thursday, October 29, 2015

Scissor Lift Rental

Genie Streamlines Boom Lift Care

Genie has streamlined the maintenance procedures for its boom lifts and has condensed the maintenance instructions for all of its S and Z series boom lifts into a single manual.

There previously were 24 maintenance manuals covering the boom lifts in Genie’s S and Z product lines. Now there’s one easy-to-use guide to assist you with purchase and/or scissor lift rental. (This is just the maintenance manual. The operator’s and service manuals are still individual and customized by machine serial number.)
The maintenance guide represents a lot more than just packing 24 manuals’ worth of information into one volume.
In making the conversion, the company looked at all of its maintenance procedures, recommended service intervals, maintenance records, and the results of extensive in-plant testing to see how procedures could be simplified and what maintenance intervals could be lengthened. Many tasks have been moved from having to be done quarterly or semi-annually to being needed just once a year.
Also, where possible, Genie standardized procedures across all models in the boom-lift family.
Genie says that the new procedures could save owners up to 25% per boom lift on annual service resources and cut 10 hours a year from the time needed to service each lift. Cutting 10 hours a year per machine would mean that a fleet that has 50 Genie boom lifts could save 500 hours of maintenance labor annually.
The new boom-lift maintenance manual can be downloaded, free, at and is also available in print.
The new single manual 147 pages that are well organized and easy to follow, with charts and tables listing the values for different models.
Genie says it will do the same thing for its scissor lifts and telehandlers within the next six months.  